Weekend Writers - The Rules

While there are many dedicated daily bloggers out there, there are also many who just blog when they get a chance, and often that chance comes on the weekend.

This is a new link-up, it will run every weekend... and the rules are pretty simple.

Love the Linker! - Comment on the hosts post ---(I love how that sounds - "Host posts"...) - A little loving goes a long way, and with some support, I will do my best to continue this link-up and showcase some of the best Weekend Writing we bloggers have to offer. Follow Button Brain in the social world somewhere - on Facebook , Twitter or follow this blog.... Thankyou!!

Add a link to Button Brain and the Weekend Writers image within your post - feel free to right click and copy the images available. It would also be great if you add the Weekend Writer Button on your sidebar (I have a Grab the Code option).

 Link your previously unpublished weekend post via the Linky tool .. this is any post you wrote and published over the weekend, there are no rules on topics ( as long as it isn't illegal) . If you blog Saturday and Sunday you are welcome to link both.

Show your love to other linkees - we can be a great support and source of friendship in blogland, spend a little time reading other peoples posts.. you never know, you might find a kindred spirit or a fellow lunatic. Please comment, even if you just send some xxx's or a quick "I've been there" message, no-one likes to feel like they are talking to themselves, so bunny-hop around and share the love. A new blogger needs encouragement to start their journey and an experienced blogger needs encouragement to keep going !

Please be honest and only link a fresh unpublished post ... don't link old posts or send your sales pitch every weekend... show us your blog !

Join me this weekend and add your link to the Weekend Writer Link-up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Weekend Writers - great idea. Nothing like sitting in the sunshine on a Saturday or Sunday and indulging our creative sides.



Your comments are welcome, please be kind and respectful. We all have different views of the world, sharing your view with gentle words is appreciated.xxx Lisa